
The Bold and the Brief


No matter the format, signage is most effective when the message is to the point. Is there anything worse than having to sift through an entire paragraph of text before you find the message? This is especially when that message is in digital format. The people who are viewing Retriever Digital Signage screens are on the go, and they need to get the message quickly.

The best way to communicate quickly is not be coy. Don’t mince your words or make unnecessary analogies.

Don’t use 50 words for something that could be said in 15.

Fill the space on your slides with a larger font, not more words.

While you’re keeping your word count slim, don’t forget to actually communicate. Don’t leave out important details about dates, time or location. If you’re hosting a customer appreciation event, you should include this information, but perhaps don’t describe the brunch offering. If someone really needs to know, they can ask.

The purpose of Retriever Digital Signage is to communicate with impact. Choose your words wisely and you’ll be able to communicate concisely, rotating through your slide messages more quickly so your viewers are exposed to more information in less time.

When you can balance being brief and effective in your tv signage messages, you give your viewers confidence in how you value their time. The more confident they are in that, the more they will turn to your Retriever Digital Signage screens for effective, informational messages to guide their day.