
4 Ways Thriving Schools Use Digital Signage


Schools using Retriever Screens

How many of us remember sitting in a class and our teacher being interrupted by an announcement over the PA system? And is there anything more wasteful than the mountains of paper sent home every single night with a student? With all those interruptions and extra pieces of paper mixed in with their school books, notes, and homework, it’s no wonder many students have no clue about when the permission slip is due or what night the band concert is scheduled.

Effective schools utilize an effective communications strategy that fits the needs of a 21st century student. Here are some smart ways that exceptional schools are employing digital signage in their buildings:

1. Information is disseminated in an effective, waste-free way

No need to send home slips of paper with reminders and updates that will hit the bin before they’re ever read. By placing digital signage throughout the school building, a student’s eye is drawn to the screen and the message is received, thanks to the visually captivating design of the slides. Moreover, last minute changes are no longer a communications crisis, because digital signage can be updated instantly!

2. Students learn 21st century communications when they take responsibility

Schools employing digital signage that equip their students with the ability to program the Retriever slides are providing experience in communications, learning skills valued by a 21st century workforce. The user-friendly interface ensures that anyone with computer proficiency is able to master the Retriever system, along with the freedom to take the interface to the next level with video and graphic design.

3. Every student is celebrated with digital signage

Teachers and administrators know that promoting a sense of belonging to their students increases student engagement, attendance, performance and decreases behavioral incidents, but finding ways to do that can be a challenge for an already over-extended staff. Digital signage offers a meaningful tool to celebrate birthdays, achievements in the classroom, extracurricular activities, the arts, athletics… every way you can imagine to celebrate your students, you can utilize digital signage to achieve maximum impact.

4. Cultivate a relationship with the community

Whether you’re matching students with an employer, communicating a special promotion for students and their families, or showcasing a local volunteer opportunity, digital signage gives a school the tools to effectively build community relationships outside of the school walls. Employing digital signage organizes all of this information in one reliable place, so valuable class time isn’t wasted on announcements.

These are just four ways schools are utilizing digital signage to maximize their efficiency of their communications strategy, there are many more. If you would like to learn more about implementing digital signage into your school building, contact us via email at or by phone at 419-525-2127 and one of our experts will help your building to thrive.


Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.