Digital Signage

5 Ways of Measuring Impact


If you follow the social media outlets of any successful blogger, company or lifestyle expert, you’ll notice that their profiles are often featuring a question of the day or some other conversation starter. In the digital signage world, we call this marketing strategy a “call to action”. Perhaps you’ve never considered using this method for your own Retriever Digital Signage, but if you aren’t asking your audience to DO something, how do you know that you are making an impact?

Using a call to action gives you the opportunity to trace back to the date and even time of initiation so you can determine how effective your screen location or slide designs are. What can you use as a call to action? Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Event announcement – Use your Retriever Digital Signage to promote a meeting or information session that has previously had low attendance. Do your numbers change with this new source of advertisement?
  • Social Media – Do you have a Facebook or Twitter page you’d like to see gain new followers? Promote on your Retriever Digital Signage! As an added bonus offer a prize for a milestone follower.
  • Guided shopping – Not everyone may know that your company has a new online store. Promote your shop on your Retriever Digital Signage with a coupon! Everyone loves a deal, so here’s one for you: you make extra sales and they save a little money!
  • Loyalty Program – Once again, people love deals, show them the benefits of your frequent shopper card with your Retriever Digital Signage and watch your numbers increase as more people realize what’s available!
  • Ticket sales – Offering online ticket sales this year? Promote and direct people to your website.

The lesson from this post is that as you design your slide rotations for your Retriever Digital Signage, be aware of each opportunity to insert a question, URL or QR code that will serve to keep your audience interested and engaged in what you share.