Retriever Users
Client Spotlight: Geauga County Public Library
Our clients are constantly finding creative ways to put their Retriever Digital Signage to good use, and the Geauga County Public Library is no exception! Serving 55,000 cardholders in their county-wide system, the librarians at the GCPL are tasked with finding methods of communication that work for everyone across multiple branches of their library system….
The Biggest Communication Problem You Have (& How to Fix It)
For more than three decades, our company has partnered with our clients to help them communicate more effectively. When new communication tools are introduced, we figure them out so our clients don’t have to. In fact, that’s how we got our start: we learned to create video spots for local businesses when video became an…
Four Signs Your Bulletin Board is Broken
When you’re tasked with communicating with a busy workforce, time is of the essence. When there’s only one of you, and many of them, it’s paramount that effective communication strategies are employed by your human resources office. If you are still expecting your workforce to engage with a cluttered bulletin board, we suspect this decision…
Retriever Slides
5 Slides to Simply Deliver Value with Digital Signage
When it comes to communicating in the digital age, delivering value is key. If you want to engage a potential or existing customer in any way, the burden of proof is on you to prove to them that you will provide an experience that is meaningful and worthwhile. That’s why we encourage Retriever users to…
Retriever Users
Client Spotlight: Malabar Farm Restaurant
When you run a popular restaurant, customer experience is everything. From the moment a customer begins to engage with your restaurant till the moment they leave your property, creating a memorable dining experience goes beyond outstanding food. Restaurant owners like Kim Williams, co-owner of Malabar Farm Restaurant in Lucas, Ohio, put a great deal of thought…
Changing the Game for Retail
Business owners who have worked in retail for a long time all agree – business looks different today than it did ten years ago. The dawn of the digital age has ensured that only the fittest retail businesses have endured. What are they doing differently than their competition? Retail businesses that have evolved to communicate…
Business Goals
4 Myths Business Owners Should Stop Believing
When you own a business, you understand what it means to “figure it out.” You might not have the experience, education, or confidence in what you’re doing, but your business requires you to make it work and find a solution – no matter what. When you hit the threshold of success, it doesn’t really matter how…
Human Resources
3 Tips for Communicating More Effectively With Employees
It hasn’t always been such a challenge to communicate well in a corporate setting. Before the days of automatic deposit, there were physical paychecks that employees took home, and you could put the most important messages inside. People weren’t as distracted, either, but with a cell phone constantly in hand, it’s hard to get the…
Retriever Users
Client Spotlight: Bookmasters
How do you emphasize the individuals in your big company while taking care of all your other job functions? The Human Resources team at Bookmasters in Ashland, Ohio understands that when your employees feel like they are seen, heard, and valued, a business thrives, and they’re using their Retriever screens to spread the message to…
How to Create Digital Signage to Support Your Marketing Strategy
Marketing in the digital age is no simple task – it requires thoughtful coordination of outbound and inbound strategies in order to ensure that your product is meeting the marketplace with the right message, the right price, and right positioning. Today’s marketer has a robust toolkit… and limited time and budget. When we created Retriever…