Case study

Baker’s Collision Repair

Though communication can often be pushed to the backburner in the workplace, it is actually at the foundation of every business’ operation. Because of this, utilizing communication tools has the potential to elevate an organization to a level it has never reached before. 

Delee Powell, President of Baker’s Collision Repair in Mansfield, Ohio, witnessed this elevation first hand with the implementation of their Retriever system. 

Powell found that the Retriever is a great way to communicate all of the services they offer to a client or a person walking through the door for the first time. In a business that often deals with individuals who have just experienced a car accident, it’s not uncommon for customers to be on-edge in the lobby area of Baker’s. Powell noted that with the Retriever system, customers are calm while watching the slides and it makes the perceived time of their wait much shorter. 

“We do see that our customers are calm when they’re watching it just because their mind is off the fact that they just had an accident… the time goes very fast when they’re watching the Retriever.”

Delee Powell
President of Baker’s Collision Repair in Mansfield, Ohio

Another valuable way Powell has utilized Baker’s Retriever is to endorse other companies. Powell shared that Milliron Auto Parts is a partner of Baker’s and also has a Retriever on display. As partners, they endorse each other on their respective Retriever systems, giving valuable marketing opportunities to one another. Powell also enjoys promoting small local businesses through her Retriever, bringing a stronger sense of community to their business. 

In addition to using her Retriever as a marketing tool, Powell also uses her Retriever to inform customers of important information. 

“Instead of having a tacky board or poster, we just [post our labor rates] on the Retriever.” 

Delee Powell
President of Baker’s Collision Repair in Mansfield, Ohio

Powell also uses the Retriever to run promotions, specials, and discounts. This way, customers can find all of this information easily and in one place. She shares that, “it’s really a great tool” to let people know everything that your business is doing.

Powell also emphasized how much she loves the slides that update automatically for her. 

“I like the fact that it updates the news, the weather, and the trivia. It has a live feed so it’s constantly current and updated.”

Delee Powell
President of Baker’s Collision Repair in Mansfield, Ohio

Baker’s has utilized their Retriever in a unique way that has benefited their business greatly over the years. Because of the positive results they have seen, Baker’s continues to use their Retriever system to engage with each customer that enters their building. Powell concludes happily by sharing that in addition to all of the ways the Retriever has enhanced communication, it also has never brought about any technical problems. 

“Technical support? I don’t know that we’ve ever had to call for technical support so I would say that it’s never broken down as far as I know and we’ve used it for years.”

Delee Powell
President of Baker’s Collision Repair in Mansfield, Ohio