Highly visible messaging and communication with your customers

Turn Your TV into
Distraction-free digital messaging that works
Uncover opportunities to communicate with your customers by adding Retriever Digital Signage to just about any TV. Our easy-to-use software allows you to update messaging in real-time so you never miss a chance to educate your customers.

Simple and clear messages
In a world with information overload everywhere you turn, it can sometimes seem difficult to communicate messages to your intended audiences in the workplace. While bulletin boards and flyers may offer a static outlet to provide information, it is not often that individuals actually take the time to stop and read the words on the page. With Retriever, you have a simple, clear, and concise way to communicate with your customers in the workplace.
Retriever allows you to quickly update slides with relevant information displayed through eye-catching animations. Our design team has worked hard so that your Retriever can look professional without any added stress on your end. This is a simple and proven way for you to catch your audience’s attention. Whether you are communicating labor rates, store hours, or upcoming sales and events, Retriever can effectively get your message across.
Real-time updates
In addition to any custom slides that you may create, Retriever has slides that will update automatically for you. For example, we offer weather, news, and trivia slides that can help to keep your customers informed and entertained. These are pre-generated for you, so once you include them in your playlist, we’ll take care of updating them every day for you! Not only do these slides provide useful and up-to-date information, they also serve as another way to keep your audience engaged and entertained during any potential wait time they may experience.

Industry-specific designs
Your Retriever account will give you access to countless graphics and animations that can customize your slides to fit your industry specifically. From banking, to manufacturing, to educational organizations and everything in between, we’ll give you the tools to create industry specific designs on your Retriever. Although the message you include is important, aiding it with relevant graphics will make your messaging even more impactful. Additionally, our design team is constantly working to update our system with new designs, graphics, and animations to continue to help you display a variety of effective messaging.
Distraction-free messaging
Looking at busy bulletin boards and crowded pamphlets can be overwhelming to take in. With Retriever, you can communicate multiple messages through intriguing slide displays that draw your audience’s attention and keeps them engaged. In the world of technology, we know that nothing captures a person’s attention like a screen. Once your customers begin watching your Retriever, you will be able to communicate your messages distraction-free. Additionally, the ability to display concise but impactful messages will not bore your audience like lengthy paragraphs on a pamphlet or flyer. Your audience’s direct attention will be given to the information on your Retriever, allowing you to communicate the exact message intended. Digital signage displays attract attention, which means your message gets noticed.

Remote content management
We understand that you are busy and will not have a lot of time to dedicate to running your Retriever system. That’s why we’ve made the process as flexible and easy as possible. In addition to making the creation of slides simple, we also want you to be able to manage your content anywhere, at any time. You can manage the content displayed on your Retriever from any location at any time of day. If you’re traveling for work but want to add a slide to your Retriever promoting an upcoming sale, you’ll have the ability to do so from wherever you’re located. If you’re needing to push out an alert or update quickly, you can access our tools from any modern browser and device.
Increased customer communication
Sometimes it can be difficult to really communicate with your customers. While social media accounts and email chains may get your message across to a few of your customers, there’s a more effective way to communicate. In fact, there’s a way to communicate with every single customer who walks in your door. Using Retriever, you can give each of your customers a feeling of personal connection with your business or organization. We know that you are busy and it can be difficult to speak directly with every customer. That doesn’t mean that you can’t still communicate in a personal way. Retriever Digital Signage is going to make your job easier by efficiently communicating all the things your company offers in an entertaining, engaging, and affordable way.

Ready to improve your communication?
Start using our tools now to see how you can add value to your business.