Retriever Users

Summer Fun for Digital Signage


It’s summer and everyone has had a change to their schedule in one way or another. If nothing else, vacations are overlapping and it can be a challenge to fill all your roles.

How can you keep your Retriever Digital Signage running smoothly, capturing the attention of your viewers and continuing to inspire action through communication? The simple answer is to use the season to your advantage! I know you’re thinking about the pool (I am too) and getting some fun in, and it’s important to note that your viewers’ heads are there too. So use that to add some slides, change your backgrounds and maybe even add in some music to reflect the season!

How do you make these changes for your Retriever Digital Signage? Here are three easy steps:

Lighten up your color scheme – Even if you are using your organization’s branding as your color scheme, lightening them for the season won’t be a dramatic enough change that your branding consistency is moot, but it will be enough of a change that your viewers will notice the difference. Alternatively, why not make a bold decision and completely change your colors from monochromatic to bright and summery? There are a lot of colors available in design, take advantage of the whole wheel!

Celebrate milestones – Summer is traditionally a time to celebrate graduates, dads, vets and family time. Include slides that celebrate the graduates in your organization. Post their senior photos and their goals so that others can recognize their hard work. Take time to honor the vets who work with your organization and recognize their sacrifice… and the sacrifices of their families.

Be safe – we all know that summer is the time to be outside more than ever, so add in slides with summer safety tips. Even if your Retriever Digital Signage display is in a location where only the employees see it, you still have a platform to remind those viewers that helmets should be worn, sunscreen needs to be reapplied every hour and campfires should always be monitored. You never know who will benefit the most from a public service announcement like these, but you do know that using tv signage to communicate will be far more effective than flyers in employee mailboxes!

What else would you add to these tips? How can you help bring summer to your organization’s Retriever Digital Signage?