When you buy anything wouldn’t it be great to have built in expandability. Think of it. You buy a car as a newlywed and bingo it expands with each additional child. Built in room for the car seat, strollers, diaper bags etc.
Some things do have that expandable in their design. One such system should be your digital signage. Maybe you are starting with a single screen at one location. You may have 20 screens to cover your facility. The fact is, as you use your system you will discover new ways to maximize its effectiveness.
This change may mean more screens playing the same content or different content. You may see that scheduling messaging for specific times of the day or week really adds to your sales. In any case, you will want to do more in the future with your signage than you are today.
With some systems that means buying more features in the future, “more money”.
Another avenue is initially buying more than you want so that you can grow into future needs. That usually means a higher starting cost for something that you aren’t going to use now.
There must be middle ground? There is.
Let’s be honest. Your first digital signage reflects a trust and belief that this new thing will help you communicate or increase sales. When you expand signage it will be because you have proof digital signage adds to your business.
Buy a system that grows with you. Some systems grow at little to no cost. Some keep you updated with the newest support elements at no cost. Be wary of being up-sold to a system that can do everything – everything comes at a price. Let YOUR needs dictate the size and scope of your signage.
So the word of the day is to buy a system that will allow you to expand as you grow. It is easy to allow technology to swallowed a lot of time and money. Keep it usable for today’s need with the ability to make it bigger in the future, when you want it.