Higher Ed

Getting the Message Across to University Students


Fans of the television show “The Office” remember a hilarious idea that the character Ryan, the entrepreneur, came up with an idea called WUPHF! – a way to send a message to every communication portal a person had.

Today, it feels like we need to WUPHF! to get anyone’s attention long enough to get the message across. As recently as a few years ago, students still checked their email but today’s student is far less likely to read important emails sent by the university and professors.

Moreover, the clutter of paper throughout student spaces is more likely to cause students to blanketly ignore all of the posters rather than to slow down and read through the mess to determine what is relevant to them. So, how does a university reach their students with an effective means of communication?

Digital signage is an eye-catching, clutter-free way to effectively reach students with an important message that they’ll notice. Multiple digital signs spread throughout campus ensures that students will encounter the same message multiple times for maximum communication impact.

Today’s college student has been mentally programmed to look at screens all day long, and to filter out what isn’t important.  By keeping your Retriever Digital Signs relevant, students will engage with important messages on a regular basis and will know what’s going on around campus, without the WUPHF!

The Retriever platform is easy to program and schedule, as well, so it’s easily managed by any department and anyone from student workers to campus volunteers. Duplication of a slide t0 multiple screens is simple and takes only a few seconds.

Are you ready to communicate with your students again? Let us help. Click here to connect to get more information on the Retriever Digital Signage solution.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.