Retriever Users

Case Study: Geauga County Public Library


Geauga County Public Library is a county-wide library system serving 55,000 cardholders, representing roughly 60% of the residents in their county. Serving all ages and a broad section of the community, it can be hard to find modes of communication that work for everyone.

For the Geauga County Public Library, finding ways to communicate with all of their patrons across multiple branches can be a particular challenge. “You can’t hit everybody where they are all the time. They might have missed something in the newsletter. They might not be on Facebook, they might not be on Twitter,” shares Lori Weber, Marketing Manager for the Geauga County Public Library.

“Anytime I walked into any location, I saw stacks of paper and bookmarks everywhere, and I thought, ‘There’s got to be an easier way,'” Weber recalls. That’s why Geauga County Public Library turned to Retriever for help. Strategically placed digital signage throughout the library system has empowered the Geauga County Public Library’s marketing team to communicate more effectively with their patrons while saving valuable time and countless trees!

“We’re a visually driven culture, and used to looking at screens,” acknowledges Patrick Culliton, Marketing Specialist for the Geauga County Public Library. The library began to utilize their Retrievers to promote upcoming events, closures, announcements, and library news, as well as pulling in the weather and social feeds. Culliton noticed that library patrons began to ask more questions about upcoming events and opportunities that had been communicated utilizing the Retriever Digital Signage.

The addition of Retriever Digital Signage into the marketing strategy for the Geauga County Public Library is saving the marketing team a great deal of time. Each day, the library is recommending a book on Twitter, which automatically pulls into the Retriever playlist, ensuring that every day the Retrievers will have fresh content even if the team doesn’t have time to add anything new to the playlist.

Moreover, coordinating messages across numerous branches is simplified to a touch of a button. “When we need to get information out that’s system-wide, we can make one slide and duplicate it to all branches, and we can also customize specific programs for individual locations,” shares Weber.

“We can’t get everyone all the time, but if they’re coming to the library and checking out books, here it is for them.”

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.