Business Goals

Drive Sales in Your Store with the Power of Digital


Your business’s brand is much more than a logo and a color palette. Your brand is the experience that someone has with your company from the very first moment they begin to engage with you, whether that’s on your website or by walking through your front door.

Businesses have widely begun to understand the power of their digital presence. Companies looking to grow and sustain their businesses regularly invest thousands into their web presence to ensure that it’s an optimal experience for customers, aimed at conversion. Clear messaging and calls to action as well as a visually engaging user experience throughout your website ensure that taking the next step is an easy one for your customers.

So, why aren’t more in-person businesses paying the same attention to their in-store experience?

When you look around a lot of stores and restaurants, outdated approaches to signage and user experience continue to reign. In fact, even as our world changes, many storefronts have not changed their approach to customer communication in decades!

In our increasingly visual and distracted world, highly engaging visual communication is key to capturing your customer’s attention and guiding them to your desired call to action.

If your store is having a sale, on your website you probably have a highly visual modal popup advertising the discount a few seconds after the page loads. Why isn’t just a static banner on your site? Because the movement and the interruption of the popup does a better job of converting, of grabbing the attention of the user.

Digital signage can provide the same level of eye-grabbing conversion in your store by leveraging the power of video, color, and animation. Sure, static signs are good reinforcements, but if you really want to drive sales, you need to communicate the way a 21st century brain communicates – with a screen, using eye-grabbing visuals!

We’d love to help you increase sales in your store or restaurant with powerful, eye-grabbing digital signage. Set up a free consult with one of our experts by clicking here.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.