Retriever Users

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When we created Retriever, it’s because our clients had a need, and we were primed to help. Our company has been an expert in communication for more than three decades, and we had clients who wanted a more dynamic way to communicate with their employees and customers than their bulletin boards and static signage could manage.

One of the challenges many of our customers faced with other digital signage products on the market was the need to involve IT. For some of our customers, their IT team was maxed out on other projects, and for others their operations were too small to have an IT team on staff. So, we knew Retriever needed to be simple enough that anyone could use it, but powerful enough to beautifully and dynamically communicate.

Over the years, our customer base has grown, largely due to word of mouth. We get it – when you’ve got something great, you want to share it with your friends! The great thing about Retriever is that it’s highly visible too, so many of our customers not only heard about it from their friends, they’ve seen it in action around town and have instantly seen the impact it can make on their own business.

If you love your Retriever, thank you. Thanks for letting us partner with you to communicate with your customers and employees. Thanks for trusting us with your message.

We want to spread the love – and we want to thank you in the process. If you’d like to share Retriever with a friend, simply click this link. When they purchase, we’ll thank you with a $50 Amazon Gift Card.



Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.