Human Resources

Buh-bye, Bulletin Board!


We know, you love wasting your time. When you put together a poster, you want it to get lost among fifty others and never be seen. Right?

Yeah. We know. When you have things you’re required to post for your employees, the really important, time-sensitive stuff just gets lost in the mix. But, there’s a better way.

Great Human Resources managers are learning that digital signage is the answer to the cluttered bulletin board! 21st century brains are programmed to look at screens, so stop trying to beat them with your corkboard, join them!

Break Room with Retriever Digital Signage

While your employees are in the break room, they could be learning about your upcoming company picnic, your quarterly goals, the achievements of their co-workers, local news… the options are limitless. What’s amazing is, the content is easy to come up with because it’s what you’re already creating it – you’re just translating it to your signage to make sure it’s not lost in the mix.

Happy Human Resources Manager Kristen Steele

“In an organization where I’m trying to communicate to employees, one of the worst things in the world is the dreaded ‘message board.’ Message boards are messy, clunky, they look terrible. You can keep them for labor laws, employment law posters, and the things you need to have posted, but there’s no need to try to coordinate the next employee luncheon that way. Digital signage streamlines things and makes it much nicer looking,” shares Kristin Steele, Director of Marketing and Publisher Relations for Bookmasters

One of the greatest features of digital signage is that you can manage all of your signs from your computer, quickly and simply. The Retriever interface is simple to use and you can quickly make changes, send an urgent message out, or duplicate slides to every sign. When you streamline your communication through digital signage, you can spend your day on your job’s primary function instead of repeating yourself over and over.

Are you a Human Resources manager who’s looking for a better way? Let us help. Reach out to us by emailing or calling 419-525-2127.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.