
Students Create Relevant Digital Signage


Employing digital signage across your campus is the smart way to get and keep students engaged.  If you really want to keep students engaged, get them involved in the content creation for the digital signage. After all, who knows better than students what students want to see and will respond to?

By engaging your students in your digital content creation and management, you not only take the burden off of your administrative staff and faculty, you give your students experience with a valuable skill in communications, graphic design, and content management. What’s more, no one is more on pulse with the student body than they are. The messaging will be authentic and engaging simply because it’s coming from their own.

Overnight, trends in communication among teens and young adults change as new social media channels and messaging apps come on the scene. It’s unlikely that your administrative team is on top of these changes in the way that students are, not to mention that students have great eyes for appealing design and content.

As trends and viral content hit the student body, your students will know about it and can integrate it into your digital signage. Imagine if your student body had embraced the Mannequin Challenge within the first day it went viral on your digital signage? Students will clue into what’s happening when the content is relevant, knowing both registration deadlines and having fun!

Choosing a proactive messaging strategy, rather than a reactive one, keeps students engaged with your digital signage on a daily basis. What’s more, when you give students the responsibility for your campus digital signage, they will feel a sense of ownership which will breed new, creative ideas beyond all of our wildest dreams.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.