
Synchronizing Communication with Your Team


When your team is working across numerous locations, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. A strong communications strategy is vital so that, if an urgent change is needed, your team is able to pivot quickly and accurately.

In multi-location businesses, time spent transporting or shipping signage and keeping communications in sync can be a huge waste. An automated strategy that allows your business to instantly sync information across numerous locations and delivery methods is vital for a modern business.

Digital Signage

Digital signage is one way to quickly and visibly update information for your large company. It allows for instantaneous updates across numerous locations with minimal effort from your team.

Our digital signage solution, Retriever Digital Signage, was made with this in mind. Retriever can be updated from any internet-connected computer across numerous locations in a matter of moments.

Mass Texts

For urgent updates, enroll your team in a text update messaging service. This will ensure that they receive the information individually, though there are some drawbacks to this. For example, some team members may not have cell phones or not feel comfortable enrolling their phone number. Also, dropping past employees from the system can be cumbersome. Finally, if you don’t allow cell phone usage during their work hours, the message may be missed.

Email Updates

Email is pretty standard for most companies, but not every role has an employee at their computer throughout the day. Additionally, most email accounts get hundreds of emails each day, so it’s easy to get lost in the mix.

Daily Standup Meetings

Daily meetings can be helpful for keeping your team informed day to day. It allows for regular information delivery and can really help to keep everyone on the same page. That said, when something urgent pops up, it may be the next day until the information can be distributed.

We’d love to help your business be at the ready with live, up to the minute updates with our digital signage solution. Schedule a time for a free consult with one of our experts here.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.