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Three Things to Post on Your Digital Sign


Companies using digital signage in the workplace understand the economic and attention-grabbing value of a dynamic, colorful sign. But, many companies are under-utilizing this tool in their business.

We get it – when you’ve always used a tool a certain way, it can be easy to overlook the value of that tool for other solutions to problems for which you haven’t even considered it as an option.

From our vantage point as a digital signage company, though, we have the opportunity to see how our customers are leveraging the power of their screens to captivate their audiences and keep their team informed.

We think there are three things that everyone should consider including on their digital signage playlists:


Digital signage is an awesome way to get the word out quickly and visually to a large group of people. When something has changed or you have something exciting coming up, the digital screens posted around your company are the optimal place to communicate that information.

Valuable Content

One of the keys to keeping your viewers engaged is to deliver them value, every time they look at your screen. Valuable content can be anything from relevant reminders, weather forecasts, local news headlines, interesting facts, profiles on individuals in your company, encouragement, photos of your customers/employees… just make sure your digital signage isn’t an endless loop of ads, or you’re guaranteed to lose viewer engagement.

Social Media Feeds

You’re already creating great, engaging content for your brand on social media, so why leave it there? Bring over that same great content on your digital signs and pique the interest of your viewer, who may want to engage with you on social media if they see something great from you on your screen, and who is more likely to watch longer if what they’re seeing is interesting.


We get a rush out of helping businesses like yours develop a strategy for leveraging the power of their digital signage, and we’d love to be of assistance. Click here to set up a free consult with one of our team.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.