When it comes to communicating in the digital age, delivering value is key. If you want to engage a potential or existing customer in any way, the burden of proof is on you to prove to them that you will provide an experience that is meaningful and worthwhile.
That’s why we encourage Retriever users to mix their advertising calls to action in their Retriever playlist with informational, educational, engaging content. When a viewer is observing a Retriever screen, they simply engage longer when they feel the information is relevant to them.
Because of this, we’ve integrated many pre-built slides that require zero effort on your part to deliver value for your desired audience. Here are just a few of our favorites:

Goal Thermometer
You can find this slide under the slide category “Financial,” and customize it with your goal and current progress – the percentage calculates automatically and the thermometer adjusts accordingly! If you’re in the midst of a fundraising campaign or change the unit and use this for tracking any type of quantitative goal.

Arrows Right/Left
No matter what type of business you’re in, it’s not uncommon to find yourself repeating over and again direction that’s already explained with existing signage. Why is that? People simply have been programmed to disregard static signage. So, reinforce your directional signage with this animated and customizable directional sign, found under the “Directions” slide category.

5 Day Forecast with Time
Things that will always be true: rain, tax, and the interest of the general populous in the weather forecast. After all, it’s the most visible part of many people’s phone home screens, the most likely thing to be on their smart watch – why not provide this helpful and important information – that auto-populates – on your Retrievers to engage your viewers? Find this slide, and others like it, in the “Weather” slide category.

Daylight Savings Time Ends
Love it or hate it, Daylight Savings Time is a little hard to keep track of. This animated slide automatically updates with the correct date, as well as a helpful (and customizable) reminder to change your smoke detector batteries on the second screen. Find this as well as a Daylight Savings Time begins option under the slide category “Date & Time.”

Richland Source: Latest News
For our local Retriever customers, we’ve partnered with our local news outlet Richland Source to provide auto-updating news headlines, broken out by type of news as well as county. These slides can be simply dropped into your playlist without any added effort on your part, automatically giving your viewers the latest news. Find this slide and others like it in the Richland Source slide category.
If you’re noticing reduced engagement with your digital signage, it’s time to do a slide refresh and it may be time to take a look at your playlist lineup and add some of these automatically updating, helpful slides to your list in order to keep your audience tuned in and seeing all of your important calls to action. If you could use some help figuring out a playlist strategy that works, reach out – we’d love to help!