Human Resources

Express Gratitude to Your Employees


There is nothing more important to your business than the quality of your employees. A great product or service succeeds or fails based on the people in the company.

But, it can be easy to overlook the importance of telling your employees how valuable they are to your company. Did you know that expressing gratitude to your team will both improve your workplace culture and can help you retain your great employees long term? According to Forbes, 66% of employees would leave their job if they didn’t feel appreciated.

Fostering a culture of gratitude on your team, especially during these stressful times, will not only improve your employee morale, it can have a positive impact on your company’s bottom line as you retain more of your great employees.

Celebrate Accomplishments

It can be hard to weigh our wins as heavily as our losses. The more focused anyone becomes on the misses, the more inclined they are to buy into imposter syndrome, the idea that they aren’t qualified to do what they’re doing. To combat this insecurity, celebrate when things are going well!

Say a Sincere “Thank You”

A paycheck is a transactional exchange for services rendered, but a real “thank you” can go a long way to let your team know how grateful you are that they choose to work for your company. Find opportunities to demonstrate your gratitude in unexpected places and methods and truly delight your employees.

Showcase Your End Users

Depending where your company falls in the supply chain, they may not ever see the end user of the work they’re doing. Find ways to visually connect them to the “why” behind your company and you’ll feel the roots deepen for your team.

If you’re looking for some more ways to create a culture of gratitude on your team, we believe it all starts with excellent communication. We’d love to help you foster that culture with our guide to communications, which you can download for free here:
Download our Communications Guide

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.