Digital Signage

Was Content Dethroned?


For years, it has been said that content is king. We’ve touted content as the primary reason why viewers pay attention to tv signage. But there’s a new royalty in town: Strategy.

Strategy is the Real Ruler

Really, it makes sense. Without strategy, your content can be a bit like a purposeless arrow. It went out, but did it hit it’s mark? Maybe. Maybe not. But a wise company won’t rely solely on digital signage for it’s communication needs. Last week, we talked about integrating social media into your Retriever Digital Signage playlists and this week we are going to talk about using your strategy to get those social media posts the most exposure.

Considering how many marketing technologies/apps/platforms available today, it is important to have a strategy in place — one which ensures that both content and technology is fit for purpose. It’s easy to forget about strategy when new and exciting technology, like digital signage, join the equation. But, in order to maximize the effectiveness of this technology, goals and objectives should be identified, the needs of the audience should be clear and content should be focused. Retriever Digital Signage isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to your communication needs, but you need a strategy in place to determine your best option.

Here are five elements of a good strategy:

  • Know your audience – so simple and yet so easy to forget!
  • Plan your slideshow to reflect current events – give your audience plenty of notice for holiday events, seasonal sales or quarterly report reminders
  • Consider the location when designing backgrounds and font – small screen, bright lobby? Just plain bold colors and simple designs.
  • Loyalty program news – tv signage near a register can really boost point of sale transactions. Don’t miss out!
  • Be conversational – include your audience (employees, clients, or customers) in your world. Use hashtags and keep the conversation going, even when they’re out of the viewing area!

Your organization’s strategy will be unique to you and your business model. Retriever Digital Signage is easy to use. It increases your communication impact.  But don’t neglect it. Plan ahead to be successful!