Business Goals

How to Crowdsource Engaging Content


Creating fresh and engaging content for your digital signage on a regular basis will help to keep the people viewing it engaged, which can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be the case.

Whether your digital signage is aimed to engage your customers, your employees, your students, or someone else entirely, creating fresh content every day will help to keep their eyes looking at your screens, ensuring that the repeated, important messages are seen and remembered.

We’ve preloaded some awesome slides that will help you to keep your playlist fresh, with zero effort on your part. Incorporating news headlines, trivia, social feeds, and weather updates is a simple and effortless way to keep your content fresh, and comes built-in with your Retriever software.

If you want to make sure all eyes are on your screens, another way to keep things fresh and engaging is to crowdsource content for your playlists.

After all, everyone wants to see their name up on TV – it feels exciting and special! So, ask your target audience for content that you can cycle into your digital signage, which you can easily schedule into your playlists. Here are few ideas:

Customer reviews

Reviews are one of the most important ways customers can engage with your business online, and you can simply copy and paste them into your Retriever playlist. Great reviews on your Retrievers will not only encourage your customers in-store to feel good about their purchases, they will also remind them to leave you a great review when they get home!

Inspirational quotes

Looking for a fun way to engage with your clients/employees? Crowdsource their favorite inspirational quotes! Not only will these words of encouragement provide some extra motivation, they’ll be watching to see if their quote made the big screen!

Riddles & Trivia

Who doesn’t need a good joke to brighten their day? Crowdsource some great ones, and schedule them on your screens to ensure grins on your team’s faces. Pro tip: use the “Custom Trivia” slide (in the category Trivia) for a slick reveal of the riddle’s answer.

Photos/videos taken at your place of business

When your customers or employees tag photos of your business on social media, you can incorporate those into your playlist as a fun reminder to engage with your business online and as a great way to draw eyes to your screens – after all, seeing a friend or yourself on TV is truly awesome!

Baby/Childhood photos of your staff

Guess who? Delight your employees and customers with childhood photos of your team. Pro tip: the slide templates that show a picture, then reveal text work well for this – we recommend Wipe Picture to Text or Picture Reveals Text templates (under the Pictures & Text category), or post a timeline of your staff in their birth order using the Timeline with Pictures template!

What fun ways have you crowdsourced content on your Retriever playlists? Comment below and share your cool ideas with us!

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.