By now, you’ve {hopefully} learned a lot about tv signage design from our blog. We’ve taught you how to keep your Retriever Digital Signage slides free from clutter and how to pick colors that emphasize your content. We’ve even given you some pointers to ensure proper grammar for your slide content! And without further ado, here are 4 Tips to Spelling Success with Typography.
- Choose your Typeface Wisely – Typically speaking, your Retriever Digital Signage will be viewed on a large tv screen. In light of that, you want to choose the font so that it will be easily read from a distance without straining the eyes. Sans-serif typefaces are the best for this setting. Arial, Helvetica and Verdana are the most popular choices as they are easy to read and stand out well against backgrounds. When you design your Retriever Digital Signage slides, try using one font for the title and something different for the body of your message. Make sure that while the fonts you’ve chosen are easy to read, they are also noticeably different from each other; contrast equals impact!
- Size Does Matter – Now that you know the easiest typefaces to read, let’s talk about the size you should consider. It seems fairly self-explanatory when I say that the further away the screens are from the audience, the font size needs to increase accordingly. We’ve already done the heavy lifting and have this great chart for you to use as reference for the viewing distance for font sizes. This is a tip you’ll definitely want to Pin for later use!
- Align Accurately – Text should never touch the outer perimeter of the screen or images. Not only does it make the text difficult to read, it diminishes your professional appearance. Spacing between the title and copy text is also very important. The text size should reflect the spacing size between lines. For instance, if your text size is 10pt, you would want to use spacing at least 10pts as well. Spacing between the headline and copy text should be equal to one line of text, add another two lines spacing between the end of the body copy and an additional title.
- Keep it Brief – No matter how many titles or points you’d like to communicate, be concise. The shorter your message, the easier it is for your readers to absorb. Try to keep your character count limited to 55 to 85 per line; if you have a longer messages, break them up into a series of slides, keeping your viewers engaged for longer!
Retriever Digital Signage is about communicating. Communication that is short, sweet, and to the point helps to keep your viewers’ attention and keep them coming back for more!