Digital Signage

3 Ways Top Managers are Using Digital Signage


As corporations grow, many are increasing the number of digital screens within their workspace. Digital signage is a great tool for Human Resources, but they also lend themselves to department managers as a replacement for incessant emails, memos, and interruptions to the workday. Digital signage offers the tools your company needs to track performance, inform employees of important policies and processes, and keep deadlines at the front of mind.

Clear, concise and effective communication is the biggest challenge managers have to keeping their employees on track and productivity high. Digital signage offers a unified and visible message without the timesuck of email or the delay of distributing paper. Have a major deadline change? You can send an alert slide that will be up in seconds for everyone to see.

Here are a few of the ways top managers are utilizing digital signage in their workplace:

1. Setting Priorities and Communicating Deadlines: Regardless of the line of business you’re in, clearly outlining priorities and communicating deadlines is at the essence of effective project management. Keep your employees focused on the big stuff first, without losing track of the tasks that are less important but nearing their deadline. If everyone’s clear on what matters most, then every element of the job is better from productivity to employee satisfaction.

2. Clearly Communicate Performance Metrics: Keep the guesswork (and the work) out of your dashboard. Having a visible dashboard throughout your workspace keeps everyone on the same page with your performance goals, without sending them to login to a dashboard website or crunch numbers themselves.

3. Policies and Procedures: Your employees might be sifting through hundreds of emails a day, so getting the word out on new policies and procedures, or reminders of existing ones, is a challenge. If your digital signage is reliably communicating what matters to your employees, then this is the perfect place to publish reminders and updates about policies and procedures in a way that is non-confrontational and effective.

If you’re looking for assistance in improving your corporate communication, let us help. Click here to connect with one of our reps and take your communication to the next level.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.