Business Goals

A Donor Wall for the 21st Century


Non-profit organizations are universally challenged to adequately thank their donors in a way that both makes those donors feel honored and encourages others to give to their cause. Museums, theatres, hospitals alike all will spend thousands of dollars investing in a permanent “donor wall” to showcase their major donors, but that comes with some challenges.

For one, there’s on ongoing cost of updating and adding new donors. This may mean a considerable wait time for a donor to see their name up on the wall, or it may mean that a portion of the donation is being invested on engraving or printing costs. Not to mention, sometimes mistakes are made along the way that may require a timely and costly re-print.

Because of the cost and time involved in updating a permanent donor wall, organizations often will limit inclusion on the donor wall for donors above a certain level of giving. While that may be a welcome challenge to some donors, for others it can be discouraging when the gift is significant for them. Being able to include all of your donors at their various levels of giving without an additional cost or significant time is the ideal way for a non-profit to acknowledge every gift.

Retriever Digital Signage offers a modern solution for acknowledging every donor without ongoing costs and timely updates. Customizing a permanent display with digital signage allows your development officer to update the donor list in moments from their desk, without timely and costly printing or engraving expenses. A misspelled name or recently-divorced couple? Change it in a few seconds.

Utilizing Retrievers as your donor wall allows you to customize the slides for your organization’s needs: if you have multiple campaigns and giving tiers, you can showcase all of those in one place. Throw in a call-to-action in the middle and educate your guests about ways to give or upcoming campaigns.

If you’d like to have us brainstorm ways to turn Retriever Digital Signage into your ideal modern donor wall, we’d love to chat! Click here to set up a meeting.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.