Digital Signage Features
Essential Digital Signage Playlist Items!
If your business has digital signage, there are a few key elements that you should make sure are always a part of your playlist… and it might not be what you think! When businesses schedule out their digital signage playlists, they often are only thinking about their primary call to action – which is definitely important…
Digital Signage
Waiting: Optimized!
As businesses reopen with reduced capacity and social distancing measures in place, more businesses than ever have to keep their customers waiting. Waiting is no fun for customers, and it’s far from the ideal way to welcome your customers into your business. But, waiting doesn’t have to feel like waiting. Businesses can reclaim the wait time and…
Digital Signage for the Start of School
When the time comes to re-open schools this fall in regular or blended learning capacities, much will be different from the last point students and teachers were in the building. School leaders are undergoing the significant challenge of planning for the unknown, while trying to keep the building safe for all those inside. With certainty,…
Human Resources
Keep Your Best People
It’s a well understood fact, it’s far more efficient to retain your best employees versus attracting new, qualified employees. Just the amount of time it takes to train and bring someone up to speed can, in some cases, take a year before a new employee is turning out the same quality of work as their…
Retriever Users
Four Ways to Level Up Your Digital Signage
With any tool, when you first set it up, you put a lot of energy into learning the tool and figuring out how it will work for your business. But, as time goes on, most people stop short of using the tool to its full capabilities once they’ve reached the minimum viable product for their…
Managing Communication (When The Message Quickly Changes!)
We’re all living in strange times, and as businesses slowly begin to re-open in light of the global coronavirus pandemic, it’s not exactly business as usual. Every business is faced with new restrictions, protocols and requirements in order to keep employees and customers safe. Regardless of how you feel about the protocols and policies, one…
The Secret to Holding Someone’s Attention
When you have an important message to get out, it’s easy to sound like a broken record, constantly repeating the message until people get it. But, if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of that broken record, you know that it’s easy to tune out after you’ve gotten the point… even if you really…
Communication Plan for Back to School
The 2019-2020 school year threw us all some real curve balls as coronavirus sidelined everyone, requiring us to shelter in place. With a ton of uncertainty about what the 2020-2021 school year will look like, educational leaders are faced with some serious challenges about how to safely re-open their doors to students, teachers and staff…
Visual Communication is Key for Banks
We are living in a new world, one in which social distancing, mask-wearing, and hygienic practices are paramount. As banks navigate this new world, many have been conducting business through their drive throughs throughout stay at home orders. But, eventually, all of our doors will re-open. And, at that point, we need a plan. There…
Re-Open Your Business With Excellent Communication
As businesses prepare to re-open their doors, business as usual may not be the same for awhile. Whether your business is a B2B or B2C, it’s wise to begin to strategize now for what re-opening will look like for your company. You’re probably already thinking about what new procedures will you will implement to keep…