Senior Living

Encouraging Your Residents With Digital Signage


For residents in assisted living, quarantine or lockdown can be incredibly discouraging. While assisted living facilities work tirelessly to keep their residents safe from coronavirus, the time alone can feel incredibly lonely for residents as they go for long stretches without visitors or social interaction.

For facilities employing digital signage, however, there’s an opportunity to utilize those digital screens to inject a little bit of encouragement and joy back into residents lives.

Consider the value of being able to visually communicate to all of your residents at once – what would you say?

Some of our clients are leveraging the power of digital signage to remind their residents of healthy habits, like movement and healthy eating. In the stead of large gatherings and gym access, reminders such as these are more important than ever!

Playing video messages from family and friends is another tremendous way to encourage residents during a lockdown. Being able to see friendly smiles and laughing children is an encouragement for all, especially for those residents who are related to those on the videos. And, it removes the technological barrier for residents who are less savvy with technology, autoplaying the videos as a part of a Retriever playlist.

Sending encouraging messages from residents to each other is another great way to encourage your residents during quarantine. Even if its simply with a photo and a white board, seeing a friend – or yourself – on TV is exciting at any time!

We’re living in a strange new world, and we’d love to help you as you navigate this crisis. Reach out and set up a free virtual consult here.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.