
Managing Communication (When The Message Quickly Changes!)


We’re all living in strange times, and as businesses slowly begin to re-open in light of the global coronavirus pandemic, it’s not exactly business as usual. Every business is faced with new restrictions, protocols and requirements in order to keep employees and customers safe.

Regardless of how you feel about the protocols and policies, one thing is for certain for all of us: the rules are constantly in flux. And, when that’s the case, your business and your communications need to be nimble.

Figuring out a way to quickly change the message and communicate it well as the rules change takes strategy, effort, and adaptability. And, while some businesses are great at this, the more people you have in your facility, the more of a challenge that becomes.

That’s where digital signage becomes a real asset to any business, whether your facility is customer-facing or not. Digital signage is a brilliant communication tool for any type of business looking to get their message out quickly and effectively. And, once it’s installed, the message can change as often as it needs to without going to any additional effort.

Our digital signage solution, Retriever, works like this:

You install your TV screens along with your Retriever console in the locations where signage needs to be visible.

Then, you simply update your screens from any computer, syncing all your signage at once… regardless of its location.

Indeed, there’s no need to go off-site if your company exists across numerous locations, or to make the long trek across a warehouse. Everywhere, all at once.

Whatever communication challenges your company is facing, or may be facing in the future, we’re here to help. Simply reach out and we’ll set up a quick consult and see how Retriever Digital Signage might be a helpful addition to your company’s communication plan.

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.