Human Resources

Make Your Employees Happy


The HR landscape has changed a lot over the last decade. Thanks to modern technology and improvements in communication, the job of the HR representative has transitioned into a role far more concerned with recruitment, retention, and shaping the culture of the business itself.

As a result, the HR representative, more now than ever, is tasked with keeping employees fulfilled. The demands to meet employee satisfaction metrics are at historic highs.

Do a Google search on employee satisfaction metrics, though, and one thing becomes clear. Satisfaction is a HUGE deal. And honestly, employee satisfaction is a major consideration. If employees aren’t satisfied, they will leave.

But that’s not the whole story. Let’s take a step back.

What if employee satisfaction is just the start. What if we could go to the next step. What if we could actually make our employees HAPPY?

Sounds good, right? But, there’s a step in between. One that isn’t surmountable without a clear plan. Plus, sad to say, happiness is the end result, not the goal.

Satisfaction is good. Happiness is great. But to get there there’s only one clear path. To get to “employee happiness” you should be targeting your efforts toward “employee engagement.”

Happiness only occurs when your employees are engaged. Engagement is the goal. Why? Because employees who have thrown their hearts and minds into the mix are unlikely to leave since they’ve bought in at levels far deeper than just showing up and collecting a paycheck.

But, where do you start when it comes to getting your employees engaged—and happy?

We’d like to help. We created this ebook to help HR reps, just like you, to create a culture of engagement among their teams. And, we’d like to give it to you for free! Just click here to download it and take away seven great ideas to foster happiness among your employees – and keep them around longer!

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook

Colleen Cook works full-time as the Director of Operations at Vinyl Marketing in Ashland, Ohio, where she resides with her husband Mike and three young daughters. She's an insatiable extrovert who enjoys finding reasons to gather people.