Before Santa Arrives – Last Minute Design Tips
With Christmas mere days away, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle and forget about your Retriever Digital Signage! But in the last few days of 2015, take a few moments to consider your digital signage strategy, ask yourself a few questions, and begin moving into 2016 with goals in place that…
Business Goals
Quantifying your success with digital signage
Digital signage is exciting, entertaining and flexible. It’s popularity is growing due to the ability to target customers with its fluid, management controlled, design. Since it is critical for a company to engage with its customers with the right message at the right time and place, Retriever Digital Signage has the ability to deliver both…
Business Goals
Spelling Success with Your Digital Signage
By now, you’ve {hopefully} learned a lot about tv signage design from our blog. We’ve taught you how to keep your Retriever Digital Signage slides free from clutter and how to pick colors that emphasize your content. We’ve even given you some pointers to ensure proper grammar for your slide content! And without further ado,…
Retriever Users
New to Retriever Digital Signage? Start Here!
Now that your Retriever Digital Signage is installed and you’ve familiarized yourself with our program, are you itching to get started with your first play list? Have you made a play list, but aren’t quite satisfied with your technique yet? Tv signage is a fantastic communication tool for any organization; business or otherwise. You don’t…
Digital Signage
Why Should You Choose a Retriever?
It goes without saying that there are several companies with their eye on the digital signage prize. As with any advancement in technology, the pros and cons for each company seem to be quite even between the options. However, Retriever Digital Signage has a few characteristics that set it apart from others in the same…
Digital Signage
5 Reasons for Digital Signage
Technology is amazing. It’s exciting and intriguing and the business world thrives on it. But sometimes, we forget the forest for the trees and neglect the basic reasons why the technology is even here. Quite possibly one of the best reasons for Retriever Digital Signage is the elimination of cost, hassle and time spent on…
Business Goals
Is your business infected?
Of the many problems that can plague an office today, tacky message boards rank near the top. Along with hideous flyers and out of date communication, many offices find themselves spinning their wheels against inadequate attempts to communicate data, information or even a simple birthday wish. Is your office infected? Do you find your self…
Retriever Users
Keep content fresh, to keep viewers engaged!
Since the first first Retriever Digital Signage made its debut we have championed the arrival of such an effective communication method. Gone are the days of bulletin boards over stuffed with flyers and old news. Right? Well, partly. Yes, Retriever Digital Signage eliminates the need for static signage. Once you see what a scheduled slide show…
Business Goals
3 Ways the Retriever can Shake up Workplace Communication
What’s on your desk right now that would be beneficial, morale boosting even, for your employees to see? Are those customer satisfaction letters sitting in a pile having only been read by you? Have you thanked the employee who went above and beyond lately? Does anyone know where the company stands with quarterly sales? What can…
Higher Ed
Digital Signage and the Student
Retriever Digital Signage is a powerful method for communication to the whole population of a college or university. When students arrive on campus, they rely on orientation to introduce them to the campus and it’s events. The problem remains that new students are frequently occupied with their new social lives and neglect to learn the…
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