Color and Contrast
Last week, we talked about the Pantone color of the year and how to incorporate it into your Retriever Digital Signage design. But talking about color wouldn’t be complete without talking about HOW the colors work together. When designing your slides, you need to consider how readable the color combinations really are. Pantone may say…
Digital Signage and Pantone
Design focused individuals are aware of the trends in colors that are released every year. Perhaps you already know that for 2016 the Pantone color is not just one, but two colors. A warm and a cool. What does this have to do with Retriever Digital Signage? Everything! As you design your slide shows, consider…
Digital Signage
Summer Warnings
The more your Retriever Digital Signage is used to communicate to your employees or customers, the more ways you’ll look to use it. We’ve talked about using your tv signage for integrating your branding and encouraging customer loyalty, but today, let’s talk about some practical ways to increase your viewer loyalty through safety. Safety announcements…
Retriever Users
Summer Fun for Digital Signage
It’s summer and everyone has had a change to their schedule in one way or another. If nothing else, vacations are overlapping and it can be a challenge to fill all your roles. How can you keep your Retriever Digital Signage running smoothly, capturing the attention of your viewers and continuing to inspire action through…
Retriever Users
Know Thy Audience
To piggy back on last week’s post, let’s talk about language. Being aware of the intended audience for your Retriever Digital Signage is key in this post. If you have an organization that is geared toward millennials, you’ll waste your time making slides filled with 90s references. The same if your audience is primarily retirees….
Digital Signage
Millennials and Digital Signage
Oh those millennials. In a world of tech and instant updates, many employers find it a challenge to communicate with their younger staff in an effective manner that is still cost effective. As the years have passed, we see an increase in digital communication, so why not translate this to your company or organization with…
Digital Signage
Was Content Dethroned?
For years, it has been said that content is king. We’ve touted content as the primary reason why viewers pay attention to tv signage. But there’s a new royalty in town: Strategy. Strategy is the Real Ruler Really, it makes sense. Without strategy, your content can be a bit like a purposeless arrow. It went…
Digital Signage
Digital Signage and Social Media – The Dream Team
Whether it’s Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter, social media outlets have become a primary mode of communication for people in the last few years. If you take the time to do a quick survey of businesses and organizations, you’ll see they benefit from joining the social fray and using their accounts to the best of…
Retriever Users
Tv signage is your very own digital pitching tool. Learn how to maximize this tool and your organization has the potential for great success. In order to jump start your communication connection, you’ve first got to get their attention. With some planning, you’ll know where to set up your screen to maximize viewership, and learn…
Business Goals
Connections not To-dos in a Digital World
Your daily to-do list is probably quite long. Between managing your organization’s social media campaigns, scheduling your slide deployment, ensuring firewall effectiveness for your server, not to mention all the details that happen in your day-to-day office routine, your plate is quite full. In the chaos of that list, between all the phone calls and…