Business Goals
Using Digital Signage to Increase Productivity
It happens every weekend. Employees working overtime spend far too long on their breaks. Sure, it’s the weekend, but isn’t the point of overtime getting extra work done? How can Retriever Digital Signage help? Let’s consider where your tv signage is placed around your facility. Is it in the break room? The production floor? Locker…
Retriever Users
Tv signage is your very own digital pitching tool. Learn how to maximize this tool and your organization has the potential for great success. In order to jump start your communication connection, you’ve first got to get their attention. With some planning, you’ll know where to set up your screen to maximize viewership, and learn…
Using Digital Signage in Your Hospital
Hospitals have a reputation for being filled with stress. To combat this, walls are painted soothing colors, classical music plays and the food is constantly under-going change. It can feel as though each patient is a number, and as such hospital administrators are constantly working to reduce the intimidation factor of any interaction with their…
Human Resources
Five Reasons for HR to use Digital Signage
If we learned anything about Human Resources from Michael Scott and the rest of the Office cast, it was certainly that no matter how hard they work, HR employees can really have a challenging job. Between the rushing to handle interoffice matters and the inevitable eye rolling at memos, there has to be a better…
Business Goals
Connections not To-dos in a Digital World
Your daily to-do list is probably quite long. Between managing your organization’s social media campaigns, scheduling your slide deployment, ensuring firewall effectiveness for your server, not to mention all the details that happen in your day-to-day office routine, your plate is quite full. In the chaos of that list, between all the phone calls and…
Tips for Honoring the Military with Retriever Digital Signage
America’s military service men and women are all around us. Their children go to school with ours. Their spouses grocery shop in the aisle next to ours. Their parents live across the street, each day glancing at their flag in pride for their child’s life choices. The sacrifices made by each individual and family are ones…
6 Steps to Your Corporate Image Video
There is an element of pride that comes from having effective tools to showcase your organization. Today’s marketing requires the use of video and photo images to fully communicate your message. An impactful video can tell the story of your company’s creation, introduce a marketing campaign for a new product or even celebrate a product’s…
Digital Signage
Using Digital Signage to Enhance Your Emergency Alert System
It’s not earth-shattering news that the world we live in is one filled with upheaval and crisis. Try as any administration might, sometimes, the safety protocols don’t work out and the crisis goes from a theory to one that is a terrifying reality. Be it an armed gunman in the school or a tornado headed…
Retriever Slides
Keeping Warm with Retriever Digital Signage
Retriever Digital Signage is a home grown product from Mansfield, Ohio. Here in Ohio, winter has finally arrived and with that arrival, we’d like to offer a quick tip for your Retriever Digital Signage to help your customers stay warm and feed your bottom line. Of course, you know to integrate weather slides in your…
Retriever Users
Simple Value in Updates
On this blog, we frequently stress how important it is to keep up with the tech changes around us so that your organization can stay at the forefront of communication and relevancy. Retriever Digital Signage can help you achieve that goal. Once you get people in the doors of your building(s), Retriever Digital Signage will…